Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Adventures and Perfect Moments free essay sample

Adventures and Perfect Moments Adventures and  perfect moments, two decievingly simple terms to the causal observer. The philsopherJean-Paul Sartre  discusses both of these topics in his novel, Nausea, and in his essay, â€Å"Existentialism is a Humanism. † Perfect moments are not  easily defined  because they can be different for each individual. One thing that remains constant is the need for there to be â€Å"priviliged situations† to prepare the way for the  perfect moments. Adventures are not  easily defined  either, because each is individualized.One may consider a trip to the corner store an adventure, whereas another may see it as nothing to speak of; simply a routine. Using the characters in Nausea as pawns to illustrate his points, and defending his views from attacks in his essay, Sartre’s view on humanity becomes apparent. It is that humanity has the ability to have adventures and  perfect moments, because humanity posesses the freedom to do so. We will write a custom essay sample on Adventures and Perfect Moments or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Also, the responsibility for having such things falls on the individual. A man is defined by his actions, the  perfect moments  and adventures being some highlights of that definition, and thus the basis for who he is.Adventure, a word that can be taken in so many ways and tSartre connects  perfect moments  and adventures very well through his writings. He allows understanding by going beyond the theoretical, as in his essay, and applying it to real life situations in Nausea. He embodies these very essences in the characters of Antoine and Anny. Anny with her need for  perfect moments  and strife to obtain them untainted, and Antoine with his passion for travel and constant reflection both mentally and in the journal-entry format of the novel.The definitions for these concepts so vastly individualized, find union and common ground under then pen of Sartre. He is for the individual as well as for the whole, unintentionally. In conclusion, Sartre’s development of these concepts in his writings is a peephole to the total understanding of his philosophies and him in general. Many comparisons can be made between  perfect moments  and adventures. First,  perfect momentsand adventures both require responsibility on the part of the individual. In  perfect moments, the individual starts from scratch, first with the â€Å"priviliged situation,† then adds the other ingredients to ake their own unique  perfect moment. Overall it is a very active process. In contrast,  adventures requirevery little to be created, the event is simply helped along in its evolution by the individual. It is like the refining of a raw material such as iron ore, into iron, pretty much a passive process in comparison to starting from scratch. One may consider  perfect moments  as special adventures if the individual recalls them. Perfect moments may bThe first time I realized my  true feelings  for this particular guy was one of the greatest moments I have ever had.It seemed as if those  ten minutes  lasted an eternity, sometimes I wish they had lasted an eternity. I can remember the smallest details so well that it seems as if it happened just a few seconds ago. It was so magical. Now when I say magical I do not mean the ringing bells magical. It was so spontaneous and so unexpected that it was just perfect. It was not like the fairy tale perfect that every girl dreams of, but it was my moment, my  perfect moment! Nothing really romantic happened, I mean nothing really happened at all, except I realized what he really meant to me. It was on a Tuesday night, well evening to be exact.I was sitting on the back of his truck, and he was sitting in front of me on the bumper of his truck. While we were sitting there he said, â€Å"Look at the sun set, it’s pretty, huh? † So naturally I looked at it. As I laid my head ddown on his shoulder I began to feel the slow cool breeze hit my checks. It was an incredible moment. I laid there and began watching everything around me, the dragonflies, the leaves blowing in the wind, the sunset, and of course him. The only thing that I could smell was  Clinique Happy, his cologne. While I lifted my head up he tilted his back and our eyes met.The moment our eyes made contact all types of feeling came and left me. When I looked into his amiable blue eyes comfort and protection came all over me. I suddenly forgot everything that had happened that day whether it was good or bad. The only thing that I could think of was how great he was and what an incredible time I was having. I laid my head back down on his shoulder and just began to think about him. I thought about everything from his long eyelashes and short little legs to his amazing personality. I picked my head up once more, and he looked back at me. I then laid down in

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